Inside Look: Our Collab w/ Organized Chaos

Breakin Atoms Collaboration with Organized Chaos Fashion
Breakin Atoms collaborates with Natasha Love, creator and designer of Organized Chaos Fashion. She recycles discarded clothes, turning them into unique, stunning staple pieces of art known as Aka Wearable Art. Their collaboration consists of her signature hand-painted shirts combined with cool Breakin Atoms graphics.
Creativity is at the heart of Breakin Atoms!!!
We want our consumers to have access to the latest products, and we are constantly looking for new ideas. The shirts are created using organic fabrics, non-toxic natural dyes, ethical and sustainable practices.
The Breakin Atoms collaboration has already offered its customers the best and has taken it one step further. We intend to bring light to both lesser-known and well-known creative. We offer our space as a platform for artists to collaborate and work on ideas.
Color Magic of Organized Chaos Fashion
The collection features a variety of vibrant tie-dye prints and t-shirt designs in such a way that each feels unique. These shirts are pre-shrunk, and we recommend sizing them up.
Natasha explains what and why regarding collaboration with Breakin' Atoms.
"Currently, I combine all the dyeing techniques, I have learned over the years to create these unique, handmade pieces of art that you can wear. Having the creative freedom to express myself through these shirts has been a wonderful experience and I can't wait to show you what else we have in store."
"We want to use Breakin Atoms to showcase the fashion line because we see eye to eye creatively and they have a positive vibe," she said.
BREAKIN ATOMS is proud to partner with Organized Chaos Fashion to combine all of our life experiences and healing techniques into these unique handcrafted pieces of art. We hope you are all ready to embark on a multi-dimensional journey wearing unique clothing that will make you feel alive and empowered.
Each piece of clothing draws inspiration from the fascinating discoveries made by great historical characters. Each new idea serves as a reminder that everyone can influence the world because we are all made up of the same building blocks, atoms.
Want to Shop these Amazing Tie-Dyed Shirts?

You can shop Organized Chaos Fashion Hand Tie-dyed Shirts here at Breakinatoms.com.
Follow @natashaluv and @organizedchaosfashion on instagram. Head to her site for some amazing fashion